Ministries are as diverse as the needs of the local Church: social services, legal services, service to priests and seminarians are among the various social and spiritual ministries in which the Apostles are involved. Outreach to the poor, immigrants and unaccompanied minors, the incarcerated, drug addicts, victims of human trafficking are also areas in which the Apostles are involved. The Apostles place ourselves in the service of the church and of the people of God. By virtue of their consecration, they are sent in mission. Their missionary zeal flows from living out the charism of sharing the love of the Heart of Jesus as envisioned by Mother Clelia.
Through Baptism, the foundation of all Christian life is received as a gateway to the spiritual life. Freed from sin and reborn as children of God, the Christian becomes a member of Christ, incorporated into the Church, sharing in her mission.
The spiritual life must not depend only upon the sacraments; rather, it must be strengthened each and every day through spiritual formation. According to the letter from St. Paul to the Hebrews, no Christian can be steadfast in the journey of faith without the "solid food" of formation which makes it possible to remain on the right path.